Tuesday, April 27, 2010
hehe i like hyym ler his name ish Kevin from u-kiss (korea group) he is Mine hehe xD he sooo hawt lurh
hais manie ppl like hym tuh uhh );
Kevin (케빈)
* Real Name: Woo Sung Hyun (우성현)*
Birth date: November 25, 1991 (1991-11-25) (age 18)*
Family: Parents, Older Sister*
Facts: He lived in San Francisco, California, and is fluent in English.
Along with Kibum, he is also a former member of Xing.
hais tis few daes i reali nt hapie serh i hate ppl yg tk reply mine msg -.-!!
yatea bingitttt sekali lurh ): and somemore tis few dae my fren fite fite
wth macam budak kecik serh hehe i also join tuh kapo kapo :D bez tuh tengok
maser muker satu satu stress hehe :D! aiyoyoyo exam coming lurh satu tink
pun haven study @.@ whuhu trm go hm kul 9+ abeh balik hm do some house
work then sleep lorr -.-! ommg i become more fatt uhh + cubby ommg hwhw
haiiis my life become boring lerr..yesh yesh sat watch movie long tyme never
watch movie.. tat all tatas :D
9:34 PM